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  • Candy Live Wallpaper

    Candy Live Wallpaper

    9 2.8 2025-02-28
    유틸리티 도구

Sweeten up your life with Candy Live Wallpaper .

Sweeten up your life with Candy Live Wallpaper and enjoy beautiful sweets on your desktop! Whenever you tap on the screen, new delicious bonbons appear! Get this app and decorate your screen with tasty sweets! 군침이 도는 즐거움이 당신을 기다리고 있습니다-당신이해야 할 일은 좋아하는 배경을 선택하고 인생의 가장 달콤한 타기를 시작하는 것입니다! Bring your favorite desserts to all the events! Enjoy these guilty pleasures whenever you need something to boost up your energy and put a smile on your face! 이 맛있는 사탕보다 더 좋은 방법은 없습니다!

- 휴대폰을위한 이상적인 라이브 벽지!

- 화면을 탭할 때마다 새로운 맛있는 Bonbons가 나타납니다!

- 5 가지 유형의 배경 스타일 - 다른 맛있는 이미지!

- 떠 다니는 물체의 세 가지 속도 : 느리고, 정상, 빠른!

- 조경 모드 및 홈 스크린 스위칭에 대한 완전한 지원!

-이 애니메이션 배경을 선택하면 후회하지 않을 것입니다!

설치 지침을 따르십시오.

홈 -> 메뉴 -> 월페이퍼 -> 라이브 월페이퍼

Candy Live Wallpaper 다운로드하고 맛있는 간식으로 휴대 전화를 채우십시오! Who doesn't like these sweet delights? Do you prefer lollipops or gummy bears? It actually doesn't matter – candy is candy, whatever it might be! It is a perfect app for each and every “sweet tooth” out there – no one will be able to resist these tempting treats on their screen! Different colors and yummy sweets will make your mouth water and, at the same time, decorate your desktop in a lovely manner!

By definition candy is a rich sweet confection made with sugar or other sweeteners and often flavored or combined with fruits or nuts. Dessert refers to any sweet dish for example: fruit, ice cream or pastry, served at the end of a meal. The history of sweets dates back to ancient peoples who must have snacked on sweet honey straight from bee hives. The first confections were fruits and nuts rolled in honey. 설탕 제조는 중세 시대에 시작되었고 당시 설탕은 너무 비싸서 부자 만 설탕으로 만든 사탕을 줄 수있었습니다. Cacao, from which chocolate is made, was re-discovered in 1519 by Spanish explorers in Mexico.

The price of manufacturing sugar was much lower by the seventeenth century when hard candy became popular. By the mid-1800s, there were over four hundred factories in the United States producing it.

The first chocolate bar was made in 1847 by Joseph Fry in England. He discovered a way for mixing melted cacao butter, cocoa powder and sugar to create a paste that could be pressed into a mold. The resulting solid chocolate bar was later called Fry's Chocolate Cream Bar.

The first incarnation of the lollipop was probably created by cave people thousands of years ago who collected honey from beehives with a stick. Not wanting to waste the sweet nectar, they most likely licked the stick, thus inventing the world's first lollipop. 고고학자들은 고대 중국인, 아랍인 및 이집트인들이 모두 꿀에 설득력있는 과일과 견과류 과자를 생산하여 방부제로 작용하고 삽입 된 막대기를 더 쉽게 먹을 수 있다고 믿는다.

Download Candy Live Wallpaper and make each and every day sweet and tasty!

더 읽어보세요


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